Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Mistress Emily was not pleased to learn that this guy had shortchanged her. She thought they had a deal and when she found out that the guy had gone behind her back and shortchanged her, she had to do something to teach him never to do that again. The mistress did not have the chance to do it again so she took a shit on him. She even asked her friend to do the same.

Mistress Lassie had a great ass but she did not know how much of a great asset she had. This guy kept disturbing her about her ass and telling her how great it was. The mistress did not pay attention. But when he became too much, she asked him to lick her ass and eat her shit and she was surprised when the guy agreed to do it. That was when she knew the power of her ass.

This slave was misbehaving and this mistress had had enough of him. She no longer wanted him to work for her so she chased him. He was shocked at the decision she took to fire him and as he struggled to plead with her to give him yet another chance, she used her shit to make him understand it was not possible. She forced him to eat her shit and drink her urine.

Mistress Natalia was asked to give this guy some food. He was one of the people she did not like because he had all the traits she hated in a person. He was able to fool other people but she saw right through him. And since he was dependent on her, she used her shit to torture him. The mistress got him to eat her poo and drink her pee.

Mistress Ellen was fed up with this professor for being biased. She wanted a fair grade but she was not getting it because she did not see eye to eye with him. And their differences had nothing to do with classwork. She had to make him stop being biased so she used her scat fetish to punish him. The mistress took a shit on him and forced him to eat it. He changed.

This mistress wanted to try scat fetish but she was afraid of doing it because it was her first time. The mistress wanted to go at it hard so she went and she brought to losers. She then used them to do what she was afraid of doing. She had watched enough scat fetish videos and she used that knowledge and improvised a little to pull off one of the best scat fetishes of all time.

Mistress Angela entertained this guy with a dildo and when she was done, she wanted her payment. He was more than happy to pay her with some good money but he was shocked when she told him she did not want any money from him. Her payment was in the form of him eating her shit. He was surprised at that demand but he did not have a choice but to do it.

Mistress Bianc did not like how rude her employee was. The mistress was offended by his rudeness and she had to contain it. The mistress chose to teach him a lesson using her poo. She took a shit on him and directly into his mouth. The poor guy had no choice but to eat the shit and do what she had been asked to do. He learned his lesson and avoided being fired.

These mistresses asked their classmate to explain to them certain concepts that he understood better than them but he refused. He was a selfish person and he did not like helping others. The mistresses even told him they would pay him for it but he refused. Angered by his refusal, the mistresses took a shit on him and they forced him to eat their shit as well as to do things their way.

Mistress Christina and mistress Victoria were ready to move to a different house but they had to send a message to their landlord. He had been a pain in the ass for them and they had to punish him. The mistresses chose to shit on him and they did it by forcing him to fetch their shit as they took a dump and also forcing him to eat it when he was done fetching it.

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