Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

For her latest scat video, Alexa Paige wanted to make a video of a big hard poop. So she did not poop for a few days and when the day came, she got down on her knees and struggled to get the giant poop off her dirty anus but it was worth it

Miley C is a sexy teen. She needed some money to go and shop and have fun with her friends. So she wanted a quick way to make money. She discovered scat videos and it was not long before she became a hit given her enthusiasm and sexy self

Alexa is into scat videos so much that she never misses a chance to make one. She took a casual smoke and then forced her slave to watch as she pooped. She even made the slave to smell her shit

It is bad enough encountering a mistress who has a scat fetish. But it is beyond imaginable to be dominated by around 8 mistresses who all have scat fetishes. They took this slave and made him their human toilet without a care in the world

Alexa is a naughty girl. She's weird and adventurous too. She was bored of her routine and decided to get a new fetish. She discovered scat on the internet and did not hold back in making awesome shitting videos seen anywhere on the internet

This girl is as beautiful as she is weird. She likes doing unorthodox things and this time round, her she's into scat fetish. She likes removing her panties and showing off her hot ass and then shitting with it for the enjoyment of others

It is not good to mess up with your mistress. That is the lesson that this slave learnt the hard way. The mistress took him and made him her human toilet. She shit on his open mouth without caring about his dignity

These teenagers once thought that shitting was a gross thing until they discovered just how lucrative it is. They did not waste time getting into it and getting some crazy shit from their sexy bodies and nice asses and letting others enjoy

This sexy mistress is in the public park and she has to take a massive shit and she rushes to the bathroom but discovers that the door is locked. This sexy mistress can not hold it any more so she shits in her white cotton panties like a baby in a diaper and then she goes home to change. Once she gets home she gets turned on and masturbates in her shitty underwear before getting naked and taking a shower.

Mistress Jessy is a sexy and cruel mistress who has a really bad case of Diarrhea and she is making sure that her loser slave has to eat every bite of her stinky shit mess. She has his head in a vice under her portable toilet as she sits above him and gets ready to shit all over him. She lets go and she fills his mouth with her stinky and creamy diarrhea mess and makes him eat it all.

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