Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Aline absolutely hates men, but they have always found her quite attractive. When she found out that she had the power to abuse men any way she absolutely pleased, she decided she was going to use that power to her advantage. She decided she was going to dedicate her whole life to embarrassing pathetic slaves. She makes her toilet slave lie down and then she takes a huge shit all over his stupid face.

Princess Nikki decides that she is going to make a very nice shit cake for this evening. Her toilet slave is out of the house right now, so she doesn't have him around to abuse at this very moment. Therefore, she decides that as soon as he gets home she is going to punish and humiliate him. She puts a metal bowl down on the ground and takes a steaming dump into it.

These two women are sitting on the couch and having a nice little chat. They are both very sexy brunette babes and they love to punish and humiliate slaves. Unfortunately, they do not have any slaves over right now to abuse, so they will have to do without that. Therefore, they decide to go to bed, but one of the girls has to take a big shit first so she unloads in the toilet.

Princess Nikki is at it again. She knows that she is a hot babe and that she can get any man to do anything that she wants. She makes this old man come into the living room, because she needs to take a big shit. She makes him pull out his diaper so she can defecate inside of it. Next, she makes him lie down and become her toilet slave.

Rose was sitting in the living room with some of her girlfriends. Rose had a very large breakfast and now she has to take a big shit. She yells for her slave to come into the room and he immediately comes running. She then tells him that he needs to lie down on the ground and get ready, because she is about to royally punish and humiliate him. She takes a shit all over his slave face.

Princess Nikki is very drunk and she gets out of control when she is drunk. Unfortunately, her pathetic slave was wandering around and she decided that she was absolutely going to abuse him while she was drunk. She turned this poor slave into a human toilet. At first, she begins spitting in his mouth and making him swallow it. After that, she makes him lie down on the ground whle she shits all over his cock. Then, she makes him lick her dirty asshole clean.

This toilet slave has seen some better days and that is for sure. Rose ate some lasagna and she decides that she is going to punish and humiliate her pathetic slave. She makes him lie down on the ground, so she can use him as a human toilet. She then starts to unleash a smelly shit all over his face, covering him with her feces. After that, her friends come in and piss on his face, giving him a golden shower.

Princess Nikki just got home and she decides that it is now time to punish and humiliate her pathetic slave. She puts a diaper down on the ground, takes off her pants, and then squats over top of it. After that, she begins to take a stinky shit into the diaper. Her slave stands by and watches, knowing that he is going to be punished and humiliated. After she unleashes the turn, she puts the diaper on her head, abusing him.

This poor black man is getting absolutely covered in some stinky shit. This woman just got home after a nice, big dinner and now she has to take a monster shit. Like the mistress that she is, she wants her little shit slave to be under her toilet while she shits. She squeezes a big turd out all over his face. The smell almost makes him gag while they are pooping on him.

Princess Nikki is a sexy blonde mistress who is feeding her hungry slave in the shower room. She makes him lay down and then she squats down over him and spreads her ass cheeks apart so you can enjoy all the action. Her tight asshole slowly opens up and her creamy logs flow out of her tight hole and cover her slaves face and fills his mouth completely with her stinky shit.

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