Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Mistress Gaia does not like guys with small penises. She knows they cannot satisfy her and that is why she did not allow this guy to mess with her. She had been excited about fucking him but when he undressed and she found out he had a tiny dick, she punished him for wasting her time. Mistress Gaia shit on him and told him never to go anywhere near her.

Mistress Anna did not like how this guy abused his wife and kids. They were living miserable lives and it seemed like no one would come to their rescue. She had to so she stormed into their house one day and she beat the shit out of him. She also had him eat her shit and she did it in front of everyone so that he could not dare do anything to them because of the shame and the guilt as well as knowledge that if he did, she would beat him again.

Mistress Gaia was broke and she wanted some money. She was asked to punish this guy using her shit and much as she found it odd, she did not have a choice. She agreed and she turned the guy into a human toilet. She fed him her shit and she made sure he swallowed it. The mistress was surprised when she began to enjoy the whole experience and that is how she got to have a scat fetish.

Mistress Anna is not easily offended but this guy managed to offend her. She could not let him go scotfree so she humiliated him with the help of her friend. She used her shit fetish to do it. She positioned him where she wanted and she took a dump directly into his mouth. She then made him eat all of it before she felt it was enough punishment and let him go.

Mistress Gaia had warned her slave enough. It was now time to act and she wanted to humiliate her slave for what he had done. She cruelly forced him to undress and she tied him up. She then made him lick her ass before she turned on him and she made him eat her shit. She took a dump directly into his mouth and he had to eat all of it.

Mistress Anna wanted to enforce discipline in her house. She did not want to spend a lot of time arguing with her slave or waiting for her to change. She decided to punish him once and for all and send a message that she meant business. She turned him into her human toilet and she forced him to eat and swallow her shit. He never messed with her after that.

Mistress Gaia was conned by this guy. He was good at what he did and she accepted that. She hunted him down and when she caught him, she also showed him what she was good at. She tied him while naked and she made him eat her shit and drink her pee. And it was not optional. He was degraded so much that he promised her he would quit being a conman.

Mistress Anna loves to shit on guys who do not toe the line. Unlike other mistresses who find it hard, for her it comes easy. She even taught her friend how to do it. She made her friend watch as she facesat on and shit on her slave. She made sure her slave ate all of her shit before she let her friend have a go at the poor slave.

When this mistress realized that her slave had given away some of her secrets.s he knew she had to send a clear message to him. She made sure he would never access her secrets but she added an extra layer of securing. She forced him to eat her shit and also be one of those who would give her all the information she needed to know about her rivals. She ensured he gave her that info by shitting on him.

Mistress Gaia was looking sexy. This guy tried to hit on her and he lived to regret it. She pretended to be into him but when they were alone, she turned on him and made him eat her shit. He had no choice but to eat all of it. When he was done, made him eat some more. She then used him as her human toilet paper and had him lick her asshole clean.

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