Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Mistress Anna is not one to let a loser mess with her. She likes to revenge and hers is a dish best served cold. She abused this loser by shitting on him. She turned him into her human toilet and she got him to do all the nasty things she wanted him to do. She could not let him get away before she pissed on him and watched him drink it.

Mistress Emily knows how to get what she wants. She wanted some money from this guy and instead of asking him for the money, she found something to be offended about and she punished him cruelly. She forced him to eat her shit and as he begged for mercy, she told him to give her money so that she could let him go. He did and she made her money.

Mistress Gaia does not forget easily when someone pisses her off. This guy had pissed her off a year ago but she had not had an opportunity to punish him. She found an opportunity today and she took it. She cruelly trampled the loser and she tortured him. She used him as her human toilet. He ate her shit and when he was done, she whipped him a little bit.

This mistress was not in the mood to laugh with her slave. She wanted her slave to tell her what he had done and he could not. He tried to change the subject and to distract her but she did not agree. She used a different method to get her way. She forced him to eat her shit and that was a wakeup call for him and he told her what she needed to know.

Mistress Milana was not amused to find that her slave was dirty and he did not observe high standards of cleanliness. She had to make it change and she wanted the change to be immediate. So she created a forum for her friends to enjoy shit fetish at the expense of this loser. The mistresses had fun shitting on the slave and his work was to eat the shit and drink pee.

Mistress Janet wanted to show her friend how to punish. She could not meet her in order to show her so she took a video of what she did to her own slave. She took a dump on him and she made him eat it. She also pissed on him and he drank it. He was degraded but he had no choice. She then took the video and she sent it to her friend.

Princess Nikki did not like how her slave took things for granted. She had to make sure he never did that again. She did not hesitate to turn him into her human toilet and take a shit on him. She forced him to eat her shit as well as drink her pee. He was shocked but it was the wake-up call he needed as it helped him learn his lesson.

Mistress Gaia wanted to shit. Her toilet had a problem and she could not use it. She was pissed that her slave did not repair it. She had to use the bathroom so she forced him to be her human toilet. She had to poop into his mouth to both relieve herself as well as teach him a lesson. She also made him drink her urine before she was done with him.

Mistress Kira and her boyfriend were not happy that their sex life was becoming stale. They wanted to do something to make sure it improved. So they sat down and thought of what to do. They agreed to be more adventurous and open minded. They chose to start with scat fetish. She dominated her man and she took a shit on him and instead of turning him off, it actually turned him on.

This mistress loves doing extreme things. She wanted something from this guy but instead of dominating him and torturing him, she chose to eat her own shit. She took a shit on a plate and she ate it. She also filled her dildo with one and she gave it a hot blowjob. But she was not done as she also inserted the shit in her pussy. The guy could not believe it and had to do what she wanted.

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