Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

These mistresses became friends because they both love the scat fetish. After becoming friends for a while, they decided to move in together. They remodeled the house and even had two toilets and two screens next to each other in the toilet. They would enjoy watching scat videos while they were shitting and would compare the ones they had on their phones too. They were super excited about it all.

This guy brought the wrong thing that the mistress had ordered. This was the third time it was happening and she was mad at them for being incompetent. To show them that she did not want this to happen ever again, she had to punish the delivery guy before this happened again. She humiliated him by shitting on his face and forcing him to eat her shit. Then she warned him against bringing her the wrong orders.

These mistresses were interested in becoming scat queens. But they wanted a demonstration and this other mistress was showing them. She first of all showed them on her laptop before she did it practically for them to see and try. She got a slave and humiliated them as they watched. She made him drink her pee and shit on him and she invited the other mistresses to try humiliating the slave.

When it comes to humiliation, few can match this mistress. She likes to humiliate slaves and she does it with such finesse that it is usually a wonder to the slaves as well as her fellow dominas. This time she was seated on her desk doing her own things you might have thought she was not aware that she was humiliating a slave by shitting on his face and making him eat it.

This mistress has a weird fetish. Other mistresses like to get watched while they are shitting but this mistress likes to watch herself. She likes to shit and watch it on her tv in the toilet. She actually has two of them. She also enjoys the smell that comes from there and she wants to see her own expressions as she smells the poo. The toilet is like her party room.

Mistress Isabella wanted to show her slave that she is not to be messed with. She had been lenient and her slave took advantage. So she wanted to put the record straight. So she made him lie down and made him open his mouth. Then she undressed and squatted in front of him and shit into his mouth. The slave had to eat it and swallow it and he did.

Samantha loves to shit. There is nothing better she likes to do than to shit. She loves shitting so much that she even has television screens inside her toilet. That way, she way she can watch herself shitting or watch something else if she is bored. She is not like other mistresses who prefer to use slaves and losers to enjoy their shit fetish through shitting on them and making them eat it.

These mistresses know how to cook a great meal. But when a slave is around, they like to prank the slave and have fun at his or her expense. It was the turn of this slave. They sat on a bench and had their asses on his face and made him eat their shit while they ate delicious food. In a way, he was eating what they were eating since it went to him.

These mistresses wanted to be part of the largest scat fetish group. The group wanted new members and they were having auditions to see who to take and who not to. Many girls turned up and the requirement was to be humiliated like the slaves they were going to humiliate. They had fun shitting on the recruits and most of them passed while the others were dismissed because they couldn't handle it.

This mistress and her friends wanted to win a competition within their scat fetish group. They were competing to see the worst humiliation and degradation of a slave. They started by spitting on the slave before they turned him into their human toilet. They shit on him and made him eat their shit. After he ate it, they made him their toilet paper and he had to lick their assholes clean.

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