Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Lady Yuna loves to shit on guys. She does not care what they feel or how degrading it is. All she cares about is that it is done. Today this guy happened to do something she did not like and she used that as a scapegoat to dominate and humiliate him. The mistress took a shit on him and she got the guy to eat it as if it was a meal.

Mistress Anna was broke. She asked her friend for money promising to refund it soon but her friend told her she would give her the money but she did not need to refund it. She needed mistress Anna to do something small for her. She had to punish a slave for her and do it by shitting on him. She nearly refused but when she remembered it was good money and she did not have to refund it, she agreed and did it.

Mistress Gaia knew her slave would not change as she had tried her best but to no avail. She chose to cut her losses and chase him away. But before that, she had to take out her anger and frustration on him. She made him eat her shit and drink her urine before she allowed him to leave. She degraded and whipped him painfully and cruelly before she was done with him.

This BBW mistress was angered by how her slave made her look foolish in front of her own guests. She took a shit on him when they left to send a message that she did not want it to ever happen again. He was not allowed to do any of that nonsense again or else the punishment would be worse than what she had done to him by shitting on him.

When this mistress was told that this guy was behind her woes, she could not wait to teach him a lesson. She lured him to her house where she turned him into a human toilet. She had fun making him eat her shit and she had him do nasty things for her. She even took a video of it as evidence to blackmail him later on because she was not yet done with him.

Lady Lola has a nice ass and so does her friend lady Domi. They had beef with this guy and they had to teach him a lesson. The mistresses felt that the best way to do that was to humiliate him and to send a message to him that they would not tolerate his nonsense anymore. He was made to eat their shit and he got the message they were sending.

Mistress Victoria and mistress Christina took their slave to the woods to humiliate him. The mistresses did not want anyone hearing his screams and they did not want their house to stink after the punishment. So they went to a forest and they took a shit on him. He was smeared with poo and made to drink pee. The poor guy had no choice but to do all of that.

Mistress Aliyah went to see the doctor but he tried to take advantage of her. When she noticed, she let herself be taken advantage of for a little bit so as to play her own trick on him. She even agreed to give him a blowjob although with a condom on. And then she asked him to examine her ass and when he was done, she promised to ride him. But when he was done, she took a shit on his face.

Mistress Jennifer went to the woods to clear her thoughts. She was under a lot of pressure and it was stressing her out. She wanted to chill out and unwind by herself in nature. But this guy thought she was lonely and he tried to seduce her. She was so angry and she took out all her frustration on him. She made him her toilet slave and she took a dump on him.

Lady Biac hates snitches and this guy was one. She had to show him what she does to snitches. She chose to shit on him and do it as cruelly as she could. She made him lie down naked and she undressed as he watched. He got turned on for a moment expecting to be fucked. But she turned on him and made him eat her shit and do other crazy things.

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