Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Mistress Anna does not like guys who brag a lot. She has a lot to brag about but she does not do it. This loser, however, had little to brag about but she did it a lot. She had to teach him a lesson and she did it. She knew the best way to do it was to shit on him because she was sure he had never been degraded with shit. It worked and he never bragged again.

Mistress Gaia was not happy with her neighbor. He was too stingy even to his own family. She was so disappointed in him that she chose to do something about it. She lured him to her house where she caged him and she forced him to change. She turned him into her human toilet before she let him go. And she warned him that if he did not change, he would have her to deal with.

This BBW mistress did not like what she had seen happen to her friend. Her friend was assaulted by her boyfriend and when she learned, she had to do something. She called her friend to her house and they plotted revenge. They laid a trap for the guy and he took the bait. They then had fun shitting on him and degrading him. He apologized but they did not care.

This mistress was horrified to learn that her slave had been recording her taking a shower. She was pissed that he had a pervert in the house and she had to deal with him accordingly. She used her shit to send a message to him that it had to stop and he had to hand over all the footage he had to her. He did so after eating her poo.

Madame Marissa has a big ass. It is also a curvy ass. And she loves to use it to humiliate guys using her female scat fetish. She knows a lot of guys love it and want to tap it. But she does not let anyone who wants to tap it. If you don't impress her, she gives you access to her ass but only so that she can shit on you.

Mistress Karina felt like shitting but she had gone for a walk with her friends mistress Christina and Amina and they were far from the house. It was snowing and there was no nearby toilet. But luckily, they met this loser who pissed them off and they turned him into a human toilet. He was forced to eat their shit and drink their pee. He had saved them from having to look for a toilet.

This guy snitched on mistress Raquel and she lost her job. She was not going to let the loser get away with what he had done so she laid a trap for him and when he took the bait, she used her shit to punish him. The snitch had to eat her shit directly from her asshole and it was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to him.

Goddess Parvati enjoys shitting. She loves to take a magazine into the toilet and shit while reading it because she likes to take her time when doing it. But today she did it differently. She had fun shitting on a loser. She turned him into her human toilet and instead of shitting into a toilet, she took a dump into his mouth. She made him lick it and swallow it.

Lady Biac did not like what her slave had said to her. She thought that she was dreaming and she asked him again and he repeated the offending statement. She was so pissed that she took a shit on him. She did it on his hands as well as directly into his mouth. The mistress then forced him to eat her poo and she ensured he swallowed all of it.

Mistress Isabella was annoyed with her slave and she used her shit fetish to punish him and deal with him. She had given him a chance to explain to her but he did not do it and she had no other choice but to punish him for it. She did it by peeing and shitting on him. She used her high heels to trample him and get him to open his mouth and eat the poo.

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