Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Carlotta is used to humiliating and degrading male slaves. But today she wanted to try a female one. She got her and made her eat her shit while blindfolded

Melissa had gone to the toilet but there was no toilet paper. After finishing her business, she made her slave lick her anus and turned him to her human toilet paper

Domi does not like this slave. She wanted him to quit so she decided to degrade him. She made him lie down and then pooped into his mouth

Pink's boyfriend cheated on her and since she could not beat him up, she decided to make a statement by pooping on his kitchen. She did it and wanted him to be disgusted and not prepare food there for a while.

Alexa's friend made her mad and she decided to get back at her in style. So she went to her bedroom and took a shit there. She wanted it to be both extremely disgusting as well as stinking.

These college girls wanted to make some extra cash and they discovered scat fetishes. They loved it and took off their clothes and made videos of themselves pooping. They made the poop look like a barbecue for uniqueness

Pink is a sadist. Her slave was late and had to be punished. He was only late for a few minutes but she stripped and pooped on a paper and told him to smear it all on his face and lick it.

Lucy Skye was gearing up for her best time - pooping time. She had held her poop for so long to build the desire. At its peak, she rushed to the toilet and loved shitting. It was worth it since she felt so good.

The slave was eating and asked for salt. The mistress went and pooped into a tin and pretended that it contained salt. She wanted the slave to pinch the crap and then see his reaction and whether he would finish his food.

Mistress Gaia prepared herself for her slave. She wore a mask and prepared to smear her slave with poop. She wanted the punishment to be extreme and to be the ultimate femdom video she has ever shot.

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