Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

This couple got together because they are all weird and they love shit. They enjoy doing all sorts of things with shit. The boyfriend was turned on seeing his girl masturbating. She was not just masturbating. She was using her shit as lube and that turned him on even further. He jumped right in and bent her over before he fucked her hard in the ass and she shit into his hand.

To hide her love for shit. Jae likes to do her thing when she is in the shower. That is because she cans hit and smear herself with it then wash it all away

Unlike other mistresses who want their shit eaten, this mistress wanted her slave to hold her shit in his hands and then knead it like clay

Messalina was bored and the only thing that could cheer her was playing with her shit. She got a slave and made him eat her shit

ScarlettMarie went to her enemy's bed. She then shit on it and left it all smelly. She was getting back at her for spreading rumors about her

Ever since Jae discovered the shit fetish, she has never looked back. She likes to shit on herself and then smear herself with it

Candy loves to shit. As a result, her anus has become so wide that she can unload a big pile of crap in a relatively short period of time

Messalina has few hobbies. One of her best is getting a slave to eat and play with her shit. She does not care how degrading and humiliating it is

ScarlettMarie was mad at her boyfriend. She decided to do something nasty to him. She shit and pissed in a glass and gave him when he was drunk

Jae was bored. And when she's bored, she likes to experiment. This time she was experimenting with her shit. She shit on her bed and played with it

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