Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Goddess Mou was repulsed by how crazy this guy was and she had to do something about it. She chose to use her shit to punish the guy and she ensured that by the end of it all, she had made him change. As the guy ate her poo, he realized that it was easier for him to change than to go through what she had made him go through.

This guy tried his best to copy this mistress and she did not like it. He was in essence killing her vibe and she did not like that. She had to find a way to deal with him and the best way for her was to degrade him with her poo. So she took a shit as he watched and she then stepped on it with her heels and had him eat it.

Mistress Cassie wanted to try something extreme and she settled on female scat. She knew that she had to withstand the smell and she had to push through with the punishment despite what the loser said. So the mistress made this loser to be her human toilet and she fed him her poo until she was done shitting. And then she transformed him into a human toilet paper and had him lick her asshole clean.

Mistress Valeria was not ok with how opportunistic this guy was. He had to be taught a lesson and the mistress used her shit to punish him. He had to realize that the mistress was not going to condone that behavior and in case he did not, she was ready to teach him a lesson which she did by turning him into a human toilet. He changed after what he went through.

Mistress Maryan felt that her boyfriend had taken her for granted for far too long and it was time to show him that she was not a pushover. He had to change and style up and she did not hesitate to punish him. That is why she chose to use her scat fetish to scare the shit out of him. As he watched her take a shit, he nearly peed his pants as he thought she would make him eat it.

Mistress April is a cruel person especially when she has been wronged. She was wronged today, she chose to use her shit to punish her husband since he had cheated on her and she wanted to make sure he would never make that mistake again. The mistress laughed at the husband as he ate her shit and drank her pee. She told him to clean up and she took him outside where she whipped him while he was naked.

This guy was too insensitive for lady Dominika and she had to show him what she did to people like him. The mistress chose to use her shit to send the message and that is how the guy realized that he had to learn the subtle art of giving a fuck since he was not used to giving any. He was humiliated and he did not want a repeat of it.

Lady Shay did not want her money to be squandered and that is why she was pissed off when this guy did it. The mistress had to find a way to deal with the guy and that is why she had no choice but to punish the guy in a cruel manner. This, according to her, was to ballbust him and make him feel pain that he had never felt before.

This mistress had a score to settle with this guy and she did it with her shit. She knew that if she made this guy eat shit, he would never mess with her again. So she did it without thinking twice about it. It worked and she loved the response as she could tell that he was scared shitless and that he would do whatever she wanted him to do.

Mistress Annabelle had asked this handyman to fix some stuff for her in the house but he went ahead to help himself with some of her stuff without her permission. She was pissed at that behavior and she punished him with her shit. That was a strong warning from her and she did not waste it. She used it to control the guy and make him learn to do things her way.

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