Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Mistress Adelina is not the kind of person to be wronged and keep quiet. When this loser wronged her, she called her friend as the two of them are always there for each other through everything. They had a quick talk and they agreed to shit on him. He was degraded as he was made to eat shit as well as drink pee. He had never been as humiliated as he was when he had to eat shit.

Mistress Milana and her slave had a bitter argument. None of them wanted to lose the argument. But the mistress knew she was right so she proved her case to him and he saw that he was wrong. The mistress was not going to let him get away with it so she used her shit fetish to punish him. She even called her friends who had never tried shit fetish to try it on him.

Mistress Gaia is a quiet girl and many people mistake her for being harmless. She is anything but. She however loves the fact that people think she is as they always give her a reason to prove them wrong as well as she loves the reaction they get when she proves that she is not harmless. This guy got it the worst as her choice of punishment was to shit on him.

Mistress Anna wanted to get some information from this guy. She asked him what he thought but he did not give her the kind of answer she wanted. She was pissed and to punish him, she turned him into her human toilet. She forced him to eat her shit and not just have it in his mouth but rather chew it as well as swallow it. He did as he had no alternative.

Mistress Adelina knew that this guy had a thing for her and she used it to have him eat her shit. She had always wanted to try shit fetish and today she made it happen. She teased the guy and he fell for her trick. She had the guy eat her shit believe that what he was doing was the next level of kink that he had not been exposed to before.

Mistress Milana and her friends took this guy to the woods in order to punish him. They did not want a place where he could cry and attract attention. They wanted a place where they could punish him in peace. And that is why they forced him to lick, smell and eat their shit. They also forced him to drink their pee and he was degraded more than he had ever been in his life.

Mistress Gaia had never punished a slave the way she did today. She was furious when she learned that her slave had been talking to her enemies and he was giving dirt to them. She had to make things change so she did it by torturing him. She used her shit and her pee to do it and she not only punished him cruelly, but she also had him tell her what he had told them.

This mistress is cruel and sadistic. But today she wanted to top her own cruelty. She wanted to do something she had never done to a loser or a slave before. She thought about it and she decided to make the slave eat shit. She took a shit in a bucket and also pissed into it. She mixed it with straw and she made the guy eat the mixture and he did.

Mistress Anna has no need for losers. She does not want any of them near her and whenever she comes into contact with one, she has to do her level best to humiliate and torture him or her. Today she met this loser so she befriended him and she invited him back to her house where she had fun shitting on him and ensuring he drank her pee after which she chased him away.

Mistress Milana and her friends were enjoying their time in the wild. They love wild outings and picnics. This time round they went with this loser. He thought he would get to enjoy his time with them but the mistresses had other ideas. They had fun eating all the good food they had brought but when it came to his turn, all he could eat was their shit and all he could drink was their pee.

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