Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

This sexy brunette mistress is wearing a really tight pair of jeans and she comes into the bathroom and she really has to take a piss. But instead of sitting down on the toilet she grabs a bottle of water and drinks it all so she has to piss even worst. She can't hold it anymore and she pisses her pants and soaks her jeans! Then she figures what the hell and takes off her jeans and pushes a creamy load into her white panties for you to enjoy!

These three sexy mistresses are all sharing the same toilet slave as they spend the afternoon outside at the park. They have him lay on the ground and all three of them sit around his face with their asses near his mouth. They all work together at pushing the creamy shit logs out of their asses and they all land into the slaves open mouth and they have him eat all three of their stinky shit!

Mistress Mandy Flores is a stunning beauty and she recently got a request from on of her fans who wanted to pay her for her shit and hot piss. She was more than happy to take his money and then she shit into a lunch container while her tampon string hangs out of her pussy. After taking a massive shit she then fills a glass with her hot piss and sends her shit and piss to her new slave in the mail.

Tina is a shitting Queen that is very proud of all of the hard work she puts in when she sees a slave. She is going to use her tiny little ass to push out the longest turds ever. The turds are going to be very slender but they also will be so smelly too. She is laughing at the slave eating up all of her shit.

When a Goddess gets to work, she always is going to think of the slave she is about to humiliate. The slave is going to get the shit end of the stick, but that is okay because after all a slave is a slave. The mistress is going to be amused as the slave eats up all of her shit on the ground, where it is so dirty as well.

When a group of really pretty mistresses get together, it can mean one thing for a slave. The slave is going to be on the ground most likely for the entire time, and she is also going to be completely humiliated and demeaned by all of the lovely ladies. Each lovely lady will take her turn with the slave by shitting right on top of his pathetic face.

A mistress with a large booty is going to take the biggest and the longest shit ever. She takes pride in the size of her ass, so when she decides it is time to take a poo, she will most definitely make it count. Her shit is going to be very long and it also will be extremely smelly. The mistress is laughing so hard at all of the shit.

Mistress Gaia Bidet's scat video will be unlike anyone else's ever. She is going to make sure that her slave gets a really good video of her pulling down her thong. She is also going to do something extremely crazy to her slaves sink. Mistress Gaia will take a dump right in her slaves sink, because she thinks he is a huge piece of shit and deserves to be humiliated.

A mistress will demand her slave get a close-up and she is taking a gigantic shit. The shit is going to be very compacted and very smelly because the mistress has not taken a shit in quite some time. She is laughing at watching the slaves phase as the smell starts to enter the room. The slave will even start to gag from the odor of the shit.

A slave is going to find out the hard way that his mistress does not give the slightest shit about him. The slave will get the surprise of his life time when his mistress squats down above his face and begins to push out a very smelling shit. She is laughing out loud at how pathetic he looks with a big pile of shit on his loser face.

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