Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Alexa decided to zero graze her slave. And she wanted him to be on a high protein and fiber diet. So she ate a healthy cereal meal and some fruits before taking a huge dump and making the slave eat the shit for the nutrients.

Lady Atropa, Lady Angie and I wanted some fun so we took a slave and punished him for no reason. Lady Angie suggested we poop on him and make him eat it and that is exactly what we did to the slave.

Mistress Jane and her friend were not satisfied with trampling their slave with high heels and inflicting a lot of pain on him. They wanted him degraded and humiliated so they pooped on him to achieve what they wanted

Pink is a bad ass girl. And when you mess with her, the revenge is bad. Her friend messed with her and regretted it. She had an early morning meeting with a very important client and after dressing to kill, she put on her pumps and found that Pink had pooped in them

Yasemin has a poo fetish and she enjoys it a lot. She likes pooping and then sitting on it or even smearing it all over her ass and then either sitting on a slave or making a slave lick it

Lucy Skye is as beautiful as fuck. And she has a poo fetish. With her cig at hand, she went to the toilet and then pooped. She didn't intend to wipe so the slave would do it with his mouth

Mistress Suse is a bad ass. She tricked this guy that they were having sex and they made out and got naked. She then went on top and as he prepared to enter her, she pooped on him

Doll is a mistress you do not want to mess with. She has a pee and poo fetish. She took a piss in a cup and then drank the whole hot piss. She then pooped and ate it. If she can do that to herself, what can she do to a slave?

This mistress wanted a comfortable chair one in which she could even pee and poop. So she got one with part of the seat cut out and then made her slave open his mouth and lie under the chair. She then had fun pooping and peeing into his mouth

This mistress wanted to degrade her slave completely. So she made him lie down and the pooped directly into his mouth. The poor slave thought it was over but then she took the shit in her hand and then fed it to him

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