Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Mistress Doll is a stunning Ebony beauty wearing black fishnet stockings as she gets a little bit wild and really messy with her own waste! She first fills a glass with her hot piss and then drinks every last drop of her own golden nectar. After she is done drinking her own piss she bends forward, shows you her ass as she spreads her cheeks apart and then pushes out her creamy diarrhea shit and smears it all over the place.

Mistress Alexa has to take a massive shit so she takes off her pink panties and leaves them around her ankles as she squats down over a plastic container on the floor. She takes her shit and fills the container with it and then pushes the container towards you. As you look at her creamy shit in the container she gets impatient and wants to know if you are only going to sniff it or if you are going to eat her masterpiece.

Kimi Cat and her sister Domi Cat are making this clip together and they have a loser slave who is hungry and waiting to be fed by them together. At first Domi Cat fills his mouth with her shit and piss as well as some of her vomit while her sister holds the camera. Then they switch positions and Kimi squats down over his mouth and drops a big piece of shit into his mouth and then tops it off with her vomit!

Miss Jane is a sexy mistress and she brought her best friend a gift for her to abuse and use. Her friend comes over and finds the toilet slave waiting to be fed with her shit and she squats down and fills his mouth with her creamy shit. She tells him to eat the shit and at first he does not want to but she convinces him by ramming her high heel up his asshole and then she forces him to lick all of his shit off of her heels!

Mistress Lisa is a stunning mistress wearing a silky black shirt and no panties as she squats down over her slaves face and lines her asshole up with his mouth and starts pushing out the creamy load. Her shit fills his entire mouth and she tells him that he has to swallow all of her shit with a single gulp and he struggles to take the entire load of shit into his stomach.

BBW Mistress Jessica is a sexy but massive mistress and she has to take an equally massive dump also! She sits down on her portable toilet and her slave is laying on the floor underneath of her with his open mouth right under her puckering asshole ready to eat all of her creamy shit. She then pushes out a massive load of creamy shit that is almost like chunky diarrhea and it fills his entire mouth and he struggles to eat and drink all of her creamy shit!

Princess Tina is a sexy mistress with a tight round ass and she is taking her first ever shit on a human toilet and she is very excited to fill his mouth with her creamy shit. She squats down over his face and lines her asshole up with his mouth and starts pushing out the creamy shit logs and they land right into her slave mouth and she makes him eat every last bite of the creamy shit!

Mistress Alexa is a stunning beauty who is in the bathroom completely naked getting ready to take a creamy shit. She stands up above the toilet with her ass towards you so you can watch as she pushes out her creamy shit! She spreads her ass apart with her hands and shows off her puckering asshole as well as her tampon stuffed into her tight pussy while she pushes out her creamy load into the toilet!

Mistress Lola are is a stunning mistress and she wants you to be her lover for tonight but she wants to see if you can deliver the goods for her first. She wants you to take your dick out and start stroking it for her while she gives you a golden shower and then takes a creamy shit just for you. She wants to see you cum while she takes a shit for you so she can see how good you can blow your load!

This slave was supposed to be cleaning while his mistress was gone but instead he did nothing at all so when she came home he was busy getting punished for being lazy. She takes and shits into a container and then makes him stuff his mouth with her creamy shit burger and he has to keep it in his mouth while he runs around outside and repeats the same phrase over and over again about how he will obey his mistress to the utmost!

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