Female Scat

Sexy females shitting

Lady Chrissy and Lady Missy are two sexy mistresses from Scatqueens Berlin are ready to use their human toilet again. Lady Chrissy sits above her slave on a portable toilet as he holds her toilet paper for her and opens his mouth. She then fills his mouth with her fresh shit and makes him eat it all. Lady Missy then sits down next and fills his mouth up with her fresh shit as well as her smoked cigarette.

Sexy brunette Tifany takes full advantage of her slave boy as she leans his head under her ass hole so she can take a nice hot shit right into his open mouth. The slashit and she makes a total mess of his face trying to get all of the shit into his open mouth.frsh shit that rHe opens up so he can take in all of her she has to offer

Ebony beauty, Mistress Esme takes a nice hot shit nd plays with it making a mess out of her hands with her nasty brown shit. Her hands have a bad stink and the shit is very grainy and you know it turns you on to look at all that fresh shit hanging off her hand. Mistress Esme likes to play with your food before you go head and eat it.

The schoolgirl Messalina beats her slave merciless, humiliates him with pleasure, forces him to lick her pussy and ends up taking a nice piss and fresh shit right into his open mouth. She gives her slave the works as he is utterly humiliated by Messalina. She puts his head under the toilet seta nd spreads her pussy and ass hole for the nice piss and shit into his open mouth

Sexy college girl Demi had a nice party weekend at the dorms and then she empties herself in the toilet bowl taking a nice hearty shit for ll to see. She pulls up the toilet seat and takes a nice fresh shit into the cool water below.She delicately wipes herself after she is done like a good college girl should. Demi takes a nice brown moist shit for the camera

This horny old coot licks up all of the pee and shit from the floor from his mistress who gives him a nice meal to have. First he is filled up from her golden nectar urine and then he can have his entree which is nice brown caviar soup dish. After the slave is done cleaning the floor with his tongue he can wash himself in the toilet bowl.

Princess Rachel Evans is having a wonderful day involving scat and shit play. She is going to have her slave lay on the ground so that she is about to squat down above him, and take a nice shit. She is even going to have him jerk off with her shit as a lubricant. Princess Rachel Evans doesn't care what the slave wants or likes at all.

Some women do odd things, but they love to be different and have some scat fun. A lady is walking through the park on a nice day just enjoying the clean air. She is going to take a shit right on the pathway, because she is feeling adventurous and hoping she will get caught. The thrill of shitting in public is something she totally gets off on.

Eli has many secrets, but one of them has to do with panties. Eli loves to give his pretty model friend panties that don't have any ass in the panties. He does this so, he is able to watch the model take a huge shit on the floor without messing up her panties with the ass cut out. He will be so happy with the results.

The amazing princess Messalina is going to have some scat fun with her slave. She is going to force her slave to lay down, so that she is able to squat right above his face and take the biggest shit right into his mouth. She will then take a nice hot piss on his face. The slave will get quite a meal from the princess Messalina.

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